Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Garrett is funny

It is so funny the way he talks at this age.

1.       My husband told him his belt is a “snake”, they play with it like it is a snake.  When I am in bathroom to brush my teeth, they like to push snake under the door and says “Mommy, snake is going to bite you”. So my son named it a snake. One day my husband hurried to work and forgot his belt. My son run after him and said “ Daddy, you forgot your snake” J

2.       Every time he does not want dinner, I will say “Garrett: if you don’t eat my food, I am going to get nasty” J and he knows it because I put him in his room or timeout few times when he did not eat. So every day after I prepared dinner, I will say out loud to living room “Food ready”, my son knows will try to get my husband “Daddy, go have food. Food ready” J . And if he slows in getting up from his couch, my son will say “Daddy, if you don’t eat mommy food, mommy is going to get nasty.” J

3. Every Saturday when my husband works, we usually go to our back yard and stay out for at least one hour. I will give Garrett a yogurt and an avocado smoothie for myself. We eat in our patio set. One time I saw a bug flying around the table. I said “Garrett, eat fast, if not the bug will eat your yogurt.” And he said “Mommy, the bug can’t eat my yogurt, because he does not have a spoon.” J . That is funny.

4. For those nights when my husband is not home, we have dinner and baby Noah cried sometimes. Garrett told me " I think he missed daddy mom". I said "Yea". Then he told Noah. "Daddy has to go to work to make money". :) Just the same as I told him every time. Funny.

 5. Garrett has just asked me again. "Mom, can I go pee?". it makes me feel funny because every time he needs to go "wie wie" or go "poop" he would ask like that instead of just go. Poor guy, because that is what he has learned at daycare.

6. Garrett loves watching cartoon. I know it is bad since we let him watch so much cartoon. He knows every cartoon from Dora, Diego, Mike, ... Every time he needs to go to the kitchen or the bathroom, he will turn it off and then turn it back on when he comes back. One day, he turned it off to go to have breakfast in the kitchen. He dad asked "Garrett, can I turn on cartoon for baby?". Garrett said "No, cartoon is mine. Turn on commercial for baby" :) it is funny. Because he does not like commercial.

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